Fechas de exámenes OTE
Consulta las fechas y plazas para los exámenes Oxford Test of English . Presionando sobre el evento podrás ver el número de plazas disponibles. Puedes consultar los precios aquí.
- Año académico 2023-2024 (sábados): 10/08/24, 31/08/24
- Año académico 2024-2025 (Sábados): 07/09/24, 21/09/24, 05/10/24, 19/10/24, 16/11/24, 30/11/24, 14/12/24, 11/01/25, 25/01/25, 08/02/25, 22/02/25, 08/03/25, 22/03/25, 05/04/25, 26/04/25, 10/05/25 24/05/25, 07/06/25, 21/06/25, 05/07/25, 19/07/25.
Puedes realizar tu reserva llamando al 618340030, bien en el correo electrónico info@academiacolmenar.es.
Recuerda hacer la reserva con tiempo suficiente, atendiendo al número de plazas y a otros recargos posibles en fechas demasiado ajustadas.
Información del Oxford Test of English
The Oxford Test of English is a computer-adaptive general English proficiency test. Developed by Oxford University Press and certified by the University of Oxford, it is more flexible, cost-effective, and faster than traditional proficiency tests.
The Oxford Test of English is a multi-level, general English proficiency test which assesses the ability to understand and communicate effectively in English, reporting at three CEFR levels: B2, B1, and A2.
The test covers all four skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing.
The Reading and Listening modules are computer adaptive, which means that the test adjusts the difficulty of questions based on the test taker’s responses, making the test more motivating, shorter, and giving a more precise measurement than traditional proficiency tests.
The Speaking and Writing modules use task randomization, making each test an individualized experience.
Experience the Oxford Test of English with the online demo.
- By accessing the demo you are not registering for the test.
- You will not get results or a certificate.
- The demo is free to use as many times as you want.
- The appearance of the real test may be different from the demo.
- You can close the demo at any point. You do not have to answer all of the questions.
Do you have any special requirements? You can view options here.GO TO DEMO
For the best experience, use the demo in a desktop browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge).
Download the sample test
You can download the sample test with answer key and audio files.
Newsletter de OTE para los alumnos
Recibe toda la información sobre el examen, con acceso a webinars y otra información de interés.
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